Stein Roger Fossmo

Incredibly Intense “Hamlet”


(…) From the very beginning of the show, the question “Who are you?“ gives the tone to the journey that the young prince of Denmark is about to take: through his unhappy love for Ofelia, the torments of conscience, attachment to his mother, reflections on reality, the vendetta, the incipient madness, loyalty, betrayal and duty. (…)
After all, the 2008 version of “Hamlet”, presented by Koršunovas represents outstanding and innovatory theatre. A great number of questions that Shakespeare put into the lips of his prince emerge with all their relevance. The future shows of “Hamlet” – a historic chance to experience the extraordinarily powerful art of theatre.  (…) Thanks to Darius Meškauskas’ Prince Hamlet, Shakespeare’s contemplation of existence “To be or not to be” sounds especially pertinent. Three hours pass without notice. The end extremely intense and no less cruel.

Stein Roger Fossmo. Incredibly Intense “Hamlet”. Rogalands Avis, 2008 09 10